Simple Health Management in a Complex Health System

Birthday Health is a simple, text-based solution that reminds you about important health updates today, and as you age.

Age-based Reminders

Stay on top of annual checkups and screenings. Life is hectic-it's easy to forget health. Let us remind you, so you can stay ahead. Time doesn't stop and 6 -12 months can save your life.

Surgery Follow Up

Surgery requires follow up, more than a few times in life even for the same issue. We make sure you don't forget and that you don't fall through the cracks of the healthcare system.

Condition Management

You always have to schedule follow up appointments and taking RX. We text you if you ever move or change providers. We also alert you to most up to date best practices.

All Providers

All your providers, conditions, surgeries in one place.

100% Text Based

We'll remind you via text and you respond via text.

Data Security

All personal health data is safe and secure

Improve Health

Improve health outcomes by 50%

Healthy Reminders

Get reminded on your terms

After you sign up, you complete a simple form and then the rest of it is up to us. By offering you reminders, but on your terms, you are likely to reduce your potential for serious illness by 82%.

Do you want your mom or spouse to remind you? No, that's nagging. We'll remind you in a simple and fun way and you'll remember.

Celebrate More Birthdays
Early Detection Saves Lives

Never forget important health tasks

An easy tool for young, middle-aged and older people. Simple for everyone and relevant to every phase of life.

You don't need another app to login to in order to keep your health in good shape.

Celebrate More Birthdays
Maintain Good Health

Having more birthdays is the goal

It's also a great point in the year to remind yourself of key health follow ups

Be in the know about your health

The recommended screenings change and even doctors will forget to remind you. Birthday Health takes care of that for you and your family.

Never forget about your health

By staying on top of routine healthcare and preventative screenings, you are avoiding potential for a health disaster.

Celebrate More Birthdays